a site specific video installation
“The Children of Bauhaus invites the audience to experience two defining characteristics of Weimar, birth and death, from within the confines of the boardroom of Notenbank, which itself, holds a dark secret. During the event, guests are invited to participate creatively, intellectually, or emotionally, by responding to their experience.”
printed instructions for the audience:
When the door opens, enter the room.
If you wish, have a seat.
And, if you feel inspired, write your thoughts or sketch your ideas on the paper provided. When the film concludes, please restore your chair and deliver any notes to the staff.
Be sure to enjoy the rest of your day.
“Meanwhile the artists are searching for their own answers. Does creation represent the beginning of a concept or the end of an idea? Should limits be placed on our imagination? How can we enshrine memory as we construct the future?”
Sketch: North
Sketch: South
instructions for the staff: ...reset.
Ensure that:
each chair is placed straight and against the table
in front of each chair, there is a pad of paper, with at least a few blank sheets, placed on the table, straight, with its bottom edge on the inlay
a sharpened pencil is placed 3cm above the pad, parallel to the table’s edge, facing left
When the room is ready, open the door and let the waiting audience, up to 20 guests, enter the space. Do not speak to them or give them any guidance.
When the audience is inside, close the door, wait 15 seconds, and begin the film loop.
The video lasts 18 minutes. During this time, invite any new guests to wait in the lobby or on the terrace and ensure that they read the printed instructions.
When the video has ended, indicated by silence, wait 15 seconds, and then open the door to allow the viewing guests to exit.
Without comment, collect any notes they may give you and file them in the archive folder of the day. With the room empty, enter, shut the door behind you, and begin to reset...
images of the completed space and layout
video content stills
A video installation by Maxim Didenko and AJ Weissbard
Music and Sound Design:
Alexandr Karpov
Igor Tsvetkov Boris Kostomarov Ilya Starilov
Igor Tsvetkov
Color Correction:
Diana Vishnevskaia
Petr Didenko Nikita Didenko Richard Regush Yakov Vasenin Aglaya Lyubtsova
Ekaterina Didenko
In co-production with Kunstfest Weimar 2019. “The Children of Bauhaus” is part of the project “Apparatus of Heat and Cold” at Kunstfest Weimar 2019, funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
Teaser Editor:
Igor Tsvetkov